XII. Triennial of Aquarelle

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  Statute of XII. Triennial of Aquarelle

  Application form



1th prize -  F. BALOGH Erzsébet (HU) (photo)  

2th prize - BAKOS Ferenc (HU)   (photo)

2th prize - Dominika LEHOCKÁ (SK) (photo)

3th prize - MADARAS László (HU)  (photo)

3th prize - Jozef BAUS (SK)  (photo)




The Triennial of Aquarelle in Lučenec is an international competition of contemporary aquarelle work. It has been organized regularly from the year 1983, the organizator is the Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lu
čenec.  It is the only regular undertaking in Slovakia, which presents contemporary aquarelle artworks from Slovakia and other countries.  It also refers to the rich watercolor painting traditions created by the artists living in the Novohrad region in the past.  

The aim of the competition and exhibition is to map and present contemporary artworks created with watercolor painting method, perhaps even showing new ways in its use, as well as new perceptions and trends. There is also a catalogue published to every occasion of the Triennial. Considering that nowadays the watercolor painting method is quite an ignored art technique, we would like also to encourage present artists to continue and develope this old painting method with creating new artworks.
          In the 9 occasions of the Triennial of Aquarelle participants from Slovakia, Czech Republik, Hungary, Poland have taken part, as well as from Ukraine, Estonia, Japan and Holland.

           The exhibition will take place in Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lučenec, then it will be presented in other museums and galleries in Slovakia and Hungary.

Juried Arts 2013

