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Master Paul from Levoča (2008. 12. 4. - 2009. 1. 31) Open Art - Public International Symposion  (2009. 2. 10 - 2009. 3. 1) Ervin Gerő -  Greetings from Lučenec   (2009.  3. 6 - 4. 5)Dušan Krnáč   "Anticomics - Inventúra"   (2009. 4. 9 -  5. 10)Anikó Varga -  "Alterations of textile   (2009. 5. 16 - 6. 7)Szabó Gyula graphic competition of Lučenec  (2009. 6. 30 - 7. 6) Returns 2009  (2009. 8. 2 - 7. 4)Children clothing in the past  (2009. 7. 15 - 10. 11)The Ceramic Symposium Lučenc - Kalinovo  (2009. 8. 6 - 9. 13)

Beauty of the wood  (21. 9 - 11. 10. 2009)Rules and Exceptions  (2009. 10. 13 - 11 .10)A bit of saffron for soul  (2009. 10. 17 - 11. 10)

Milota Havránková - selection  (2009. 11. 11 - 12. 13)

Archeological artefacts of the Middle Age kitchen    (2009. 12. 16 - 2010. 1. 31)


Milota Havránková - selections  (2009. 11. 11 - 12. 13)


A bit of  saffron for soul  (2009. 10. 17 - 11. 10)

The project „Rules and Exceptions“ (13. 10. - 8. 11. 2009) introduces the visual considerations of painter and educationist Ľudovít Hološka, as well as works of his students - graduates of baccalauréate, master and doctorate degrees at Academy of Art in Banská Bystrica and University of Visual Art in Bratislava. The exhibition introduces 20 young artists who presents their subjective worlds through their works.

Curators of the exhibition are Viera Margetová and Marek Urbanovský.

"Beauty of the wood" - Dušan Hutka  woodcutter´s exhibition   (21. 9. - 11. 10. 2009)

The Ceramic Symposium Lučenec – Kalinovo  (6. 8. - 13. 9. 2009)

It has been organized yearly by the Novohrad Museum and Gallery, Union of Artists in Slovakia – Collective of Slovakian Ceramists and the ceramic factory Žiaromat a.s. Kalinovo since the year 1989. This year it started on 6 July with 6 participants, ceramists:


Childrens clothing in the past  (15. 7. - 11. 10. 2009)


RETURNS -  exhibition from the collection of Novohrad museum and gallery in Lucenec   (4. 7.  - 2. 8. 2009)

This summer we have prepared a nostalgic exhibition of artist from Novohrad region, who are having their anniversary this year.  The exhibited works are selected from the Novohrad Museum and Gallery collection. There are oil paintings, aquarels, drawings, graphics, sculptures and schemes of functional buildings among them



The Novohrad Museum and Gallery presents the annual international exhibition and competition of children´s, youth´s and adult´s graphic works, this year sent from 35 Slovakian and Slovenian schools. The program is organized by the Lučenec town, its aim is to draw attention to the graphic techniques as well as to keep the memory of the great artist Gyula Szabó in awareness of young people. Among 290 works there were 35 awarded.


Alteration of textile  (16  May to  6 Jun 2009)

Anikó Varga, a young talented textil designer and artist from Pásztó (a small town in Hungary), teaches printed textil design in the Art University of Moholy-Nagy in Budapest. Last year she won a price from the Novohrad Museum an Gallery in Lučenec, which gave her a chance to present her works on an exhibition in Lučenec, Slovakia.

This exhibition shows different kinds of her work activities: you can admire her Rennaisance-styled women dresses made of creased paper, textil designs which were awarded in Salon Indigo in Paris, as well as ready fabrics produced in factories. She uses photographs for creating motives, just as pictures taken in the medieval ruin garden in Pásztó. Also the space-textil installations are very interesting. All of the diffrences among the presented collections prove Anikó Varga’s multiform creativity.


Greetings from Lučenec  (6  March to  4  April 2009)

Ervin Gerő is primarily an architect and a teacher, but abreast he gave himself up to artwork a couple of decades ago. His profession had an effect on his creation, as his main topics are European cities and towns, their streets, 
old buildings and monuments. Especially the Slovak towns, like Banská
Štiavnica, Lučenec, Banská Bystrica and Kremnica gave him opportunity to draw and paint, but there is a rich collection he created during the travellings to other European cities: Prague, Vienna, Munich, Dubrivnik, Sarajevo and other towns.

Portraits of the author´s friends also make part of the exhibition. The pictures are mainly drawings, coloured drawings and aquarels.  Between 1953 and 2008 they were exhibited in 60 exhibitions, among them 21 were abroad – In Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.  The present exhibition shows a selection of the author´s till now oeuvre.

Public International Symposion

Selection of the works of

XIII. Cered – Salgótarján International Workshop

The symposion was really a special one, especially because it took place in the big hall of the Nógrád Historical Museum in Salgótarján (near the Slovak border in Hungary). The aim of the program was to invite artist from different countries and let them work in a collective space, within a certain time-period. All of the participants had eight months to prepare their monumental pictures  on canvas with proportions of 2x2 metres. They could chose their theme,  artistic technique and the time they needed for their work. Only the proportions and the period of time (within 1st October and 30th November) was defined by the organizers.  The process of the work was public for the visitors of the museum and for those interested. They could watch, how the 11 plain white canvas were filled with shapes and colours. It was interested to observe that each of the eleven artists had their own style, and they could still influence each-other in the space with a special atmosphere. The big hall became an enormous studio for two months, and this gave an opportunity for work of high quality, exchanging the experiences, mutual inspiration and of course for the gaiety, too. Both the participants and the organizers agreed to continue this program in the future. 

Invited artists:

Petra Richar - Austria

Renate Rosenbauer - Austria

Harald Gmeiner, Wolfurt - Austria

Jozef Suchoza – Slovakia

Tóth József - Slovakia

Szabó Ottó - Slovakia

Palik Eszter - Hungary

Kalocsai Enikő - Hungary

Kun Cecília - Hungary

Sánta László - Hungary

Fürjesi Csaba - Hungary

The last year the traditional international workshop  was organized between  4 and 14 August 2008 in the Hungarian village near the Slovak border. The theme for inspiration were old windows,  the artists could use them to create their paintings, graphics, sculptures, photos, films or installations. Beyond the thematically defined  work, the participants got the chance to create artistic books and etchings in the graphic studio.

Invited artist:

Szemethy Imre, graphic - Hungary

Magyar Mónika, graphic - Hungary

Szőcs Géza graphic - Hungary

Shah Timor, film maker - Hungary

Kalocsai Enikő, painter - Hungary

Suchoza József, sculptor - Slovakia

Petra Richar, graphic - Austria

Renate Rosenbauer, painter - Austria

Harald Gmeiner, painter - Austria

Sánta László, painter - Hungary

Kun Cecília, painter – Hungary

Fürjesi Csaba, painter - Hungary