Master Paul from Levoča (2008. 12. 4. - 2009. 1. 31)
Pinocchio and his friends (2008.10. 9. - 2008. 11. 23.) Alterations (2008. 10. 14. - 2008. 11. 2.)
XX. International Ceramic Symposium Lučenec – Kalinovo (2008. 8. 6. - 2008. 9. 30)
Returns (2008. 7. 4. - 2008. 8. 3.)
Szabó Gyula graphic competition of Lučenec (2008. 6. 19 - 30)
Cerova Vrchovina Monument in the light of science (2008. 6. 15 - 3)
Touring exhibition of totalitarism (2008. 5. 15 - 2008. 6. 15)
Echoes of Secession style (2008. 5. 9. - 2008. 6. 15)
Touches of graphics art of Vyšegrad four (2008. 4. 3. - 2008. 4. 30)
The glamour of old hand-works (2008. 2. 22 - 2008. 3. 30)
IX. Trienall of Aquarell (2007. 12. 12. - 2008. 2. 17)